Analisis Peranan PAK dalam Mencegah Degradasi Nilai-Nilai Moral Siswa Kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 2 Sesean Suloara' Lembang Lempo

Payung, Baran Rante (2022) Analisis Peranan PAK dalam Mencegah Degradasi Nilai-Nilai Moral Siswa Kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 2 Sesean Suloara' Lembang Lempo. Scholar thesis, Institut Agama Kristen Negeri (IAKN) Toraja.

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Baran Rante Payung (1020185811), menulis skripsi dengan judul: Analisis Peranan PAK Dalam Mencegah Degradasi Nilai-Nilai Moral Siswa di SMP Negeri 2 Sesean Suloara' Lembang Lempo. Dibimbing oleh Dr. Selvianti M. Th selaku pembimbing I dan Novita Toding, M. Pd selaku pembimbing II. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan gambaran tentang peranan guru PAK dalam mencegah nilai-nilai moral siswa di SMP Negeri 2 Sesean Suloara'. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yakni penelitian kualitatif. Selain itu, tujuan Pendidikan Agama Kristen khususnya di sekolah juga mengajarkan siswa untuk mengenal Allah Tritunggal, kemudian belajar menerima Yesus sebagai Tuhan dan Juruselamat-Nya serta melakukan perintah-Nya dan menjauhi segala hal yang tidak berkenan kepada-Nya. Siswa diajar dan dibimbing untuk menjadi anak-anak yang takut akan Tuhan terlebih saling mengasihi dan setia serta taat akan perintah-Nya sehingga siswa dapat menunjukkan nilai-nilai moral melalui sikap dan tingkah lakunya setiap hari supaya dapat menampakkan karakter Kristus. Demi tercapainya tujuan ini, guru PAK perlu menyadari berbagai perannya agar dapat melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya sebagai guru dengan baik. Dalam hasil penelitian melalui wawancara dan observasi rupanya ada beberapa siswa yang berperilaku yang tidak pantas dan tidak mencerminkan karakter Kristus dikarenakan guru PAK belum sepenuhnya melaksanakan tugasnya dengan baik seperti contoh yg terjadi misalnya kama gurunya sendri malas menampilkan sikap saling mengasihi, sesuai degan observasi dan temuan dilapangan. Olehnya itu, sangat diperlukan peranan guru dalam mendampingi, mendidik, dan membimbing siswa-siswanya. Agar dapat mencapai tujuan Pendidikan Agama Kristen yang sesuai dengan yang telah ditetapkan Allah. Akhir dari skripsi ini penulis menyimpulkan bahwa peranan guru PAK sangat penting dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai moral bagi siswa. Baran Rante Payung (1020185811), wrote a thesis entitled: Analysis of the Role of PAK in Preventing the Degradation of Students' Moral Values at SMP Negeri 2 Sesean Suloara' Lembang Lempo. Supervised by Dr. Selvianti M. Th as supervisor I and Novita Toding, M. Pd as supervisor II. This study aims to describe the role of PAK teachers in preventing students' moral values at SMP Negeri 2 Sesean Suloara'. The research method used is qualitative research. In addition, the purpose of Christian Religious Education, especially in schools, is also to teach students to know the Triune God, then leam to accept Jesus as His Lord and Savior and carry out His commands and stay away from all things that re not pleasing to Him. Students are taught and guided to become God-fearing children, especially to love and befaithful and obedient to His commands so that students can show moral values through their attitudes and behavior every day so that they can show the character of Christ. In order to achieve this goal, PAK teachers need to be aware of their various roles in order to carry out their duties and responsibilities as teachers properly. In the results of research through interviews and observations, it seerns that there are some students who behave inappropriately and do not reflect the character of Christ because the PAK teacher has not fully carried out their duties properly, such as the example that happened, for example, because the teacher himselfwas lazy to display an attitude oflove for each other, according to observations and findings in the field. . Therefore, the teacher's role is very necessary in accompanying, educating, and guiding his students. In order to achieve the goals of Christian Religious Education in accordance with what God has set. At the end of this thesis, the writer concludes that the role of PAK teachers is very important in instilling moral values for students.

Item Type: Thesis (Scholar)
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools
Depositing User: ap sarmita sumule
Date Deposited: 09 Jul 2024 14:23
Last Modified: 26 Jul 2024 15:16

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