Tov Church Melaui Integrasi Relational Teologi Kristen dan Psikologi terhadap Toxic Church di Kalangan Strawberry Generation

Wulu, Hersen Geny (2024) Tov Church Melaui Integrasi Relational Teologi Kristen dan Psikologi terhadap Toxic Church di Kalangan Strawberry Generation. Masters thesis, Institut Agama Kristen Negeri (IAKN) Toraja.

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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaiman peran integrasi teologi dan psikologi dalam mendukung gereja yang sehat (tov church) dalam menghadapi isu toxic church dikalangkan strawberry generation. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian mix method dengan desain penelitian explanatory sequential dengan satu variabel X (Tov Church), lima Variabel intervensi M1-M5 (Integrational relational as: embodied, hermeneutical, developmental, intercultural and spiritual based-formation), dan satu variabel Y (Toxic Church). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di 38 gereja di kecamatan Rantepao, Toraja Utara dengan sampel penelitian (n=100) partisipan strawberry generation. Enam belas hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini, setelah melewati analisis data menunjukan adanya pengaruh langsung dan pengaruh tidak langsung dari variabel X ke variabel Y dan variabel X mempengaruhi variable Y secara tidak langsung melaui variabel M1-M5. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa integrational relational theology and psychology berhasil memperbesar atau mengintervensi tov church (gereja sehat) dalam menangani isu toxic church. Data ini divalidasi lewat analisis kualitatif dengan hasil bahwa terdapat indikasi toxic church dikalangkan strawberry generation di gereja-gereja kecamatan Rantepao yang menyebabkan mereka merasa minder dan pesimis, termarjinalkan, tidak nyaman dan tertekan, merusak kesehatan mental mereka, mempengaruhi profesionalitas dalam pelayanan, dan mengalami trust issue terhadap gereja. Hasil analisis analis kualitatif menunjukan bahwa integrasi teologi dan psikologi memilki urgensi karena dapat mengidentifikasi dan memahami gejala toxic church, menciptakan lingkungan gereja yang responsif, mengembangkan self-awareness, mengembangkan self-development, memperhatikan kompleksitas hidup manusia (holistik), menyentuh aspek teologi dan psikologi, serta relevant and adaptable. holistik), menyentuh aspek teologi dan psikologi, serta relevant and adaptable. Secara keseluruhan kita dapat melihat pentingnya integrasi teologi dan psikologi dalam menciptakan gereja yang sehat dan, karena mampu mengidentifikasi dan menangani gejala toxic church. Kata kunci: Integrasi teologi dan psikologi, Strawberry generation, Tov Church, Toxic church.  ABSTARCT This research aims to explore the role of integrating theology and psychology in supporting a healthy church (Tov Church) in addressing the issue of toxic church environments within the strawberry generation. This study employs a mixed-methods approach with an explanatory sequential design, featuring one independent variable, X (Tov Church), five intervention variables M1-M5 (Integrational relational as: embodied, hermeneutical, developmental, intercultural, and spiritual-based formation), and one dependent variable, Y (Toxic Church). The research was conducted across 38 churches in the Rantepao district, North Toraja, with a sample of 100 participants from the strawberry generation. Sixteen hypotheses were proposed, and data analysis revealed both direct and indirect effects of variable X on variable Y, with variable X indirectly influencing variable Y through variables M1-M5. The findings indicate that the integrational relational theology and psychology successfully enhance or intervene in the Tov Church (healthy church) to address the issue of the toxic church. Qualitative analysis validated these findings, indicating the presence of toxic church phenomena among the strawberry generation in the churches of the Rantepao district. This environment caused them to feel inferior and pessimistic, marginalized, uncomfortable, and stressed, which damaged their mental health, impacted their professional service, and resulted in trust issues with the church. Qualitative analysis results demonstrate the urgency of integrating theology and psychology, as it can identify and understand the symptoms of a toxic church, create a responsive church environment, develop self-awareness and self-development, consider the complexity of human life (holistically), address both theological and psychological aspects, and remain relevant and adaptable. Overall, it is evident that the integration of theology and psychology is crucial in creating a healthy church, as it can identify and address the symptoms of a toxic church. Keywords: Integration of theology and psychology, Strawberry generation, Tov Church, Toxic church.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BV Practical Theology
Depositing User: am andarias manting
Date Deposited: 08 Jul 2024 13:36
Last Modified: 09 Jul 2024 08:30

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