Memberdayakan Potensi Diri pada Penyandang Disabilitas Fisik Melalui Pendekatan Teologi Imago dei di Rehabilitas Bersumberdaya Masyarakat Toraja

Sisang, Whidelya K. (2024) Memberdayakan Potensi Diri pada Penyandang Disabilitas Fisik Melalui Pendekatan Teologi Imago dei di Rehabilitas Bersumberdaya Masyarakat Toraja. Scholar thesis, Institut Agama Kristen Negeri (IAKN) Toraja.

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Abstrak Setiap manusia diciptakan dengan potensi yang unik, termasuk manusia yang mengalami disabilitas, khususnya penyandang disabilitas. Penyandang disabilitas fisik di Rehabilitasi Bersumberdaya Masyarakat (RBM) Toraja, memiliki potensi diri berbeda-beda, yakni potensi intelektual, kreativitas, dan bakat teknologi. Namun, karena pandangan dan stigmatisasi terhadap keterbatasan yang dimiliki, penyandang disabilitas fisik seringkali dipandang sebelah mata, tidak dapat beraktivitas sama seperti yang dilakukan oleh orang normal, sehingga kehilangan kepercayaan diri, motivasi, serta tidak berdaya untuk mengembangkan potensi yang dimiliki karena merasa berbeda dan kurang dihargai di masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengintegrasikan pendekatan teologi Imago Dei dalam upaya memberdayakan potensi diri penyandang disabilitas fisik di Rehabilitasi Bersumberdaya Masyarakat (RBM) Toraja. Konsep Imago Dei, yang menekankan bahwa setiap manusia diciptakan menurut gambar dan rupa Allah, digunakan sebagai landasan teologis untuk membangun pemahaman tentang nilai intrinsik dan potensi setiap individu, termasuk penyandang disabilitas fisik. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Adapun teknik-teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Selain itu, teknik lain yang digunakan dalan pengumpulan data yaitu dengan menggunakan teori pendukung melalui studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pemberdayaan yang dilakukan oleh Rehabilitasi Bersumberdaya Masyarakat (RBM) Toraja terhadap penyandang disabilitas fisik memiliki keselarasan yang kuat dengan teori pemberdayaan Edi Suharto dan konsep teologi Imago Dei. Proses yang dilakukan, pertama dengan mendengarkan dan memahami kebutuhan penyandang disabilitas, kedua menyediakan fasilitas yang dibutuhkan penyandang disabilitas seperti alat-alat bantu dan alat keterampilan untuk memudahkan proses pemberdayaan, ketiga memberikan pendidikan dan pelatihan, keempat memberikan dukungan psikologis, kelima membangun interaksi positif dengan masyarakat, dan yang terakhir memantau dan mengevaluasi secara rutin program yang dijalankan. Integrasi pendekatan teologi Imago Dei dalam proses pemberdayaan yang dilakukan oleh Rehabilitasi Bersumberdaya Masyarakat (RBM) Toraja menghasilkan peningkatan aktif penyandang disabilitas dalam mengembangkan potensi diri yang dimiliki. Kata Kunci: Disabilitas Fisik, Imago Dei, Pemberdayaan, Potensi Diri, Rehabilitasi Bersumberdaya Masyarakat Toraja. Abstract Every human being is created with unique potential, including those with disabilities, especially persons with disabilities. Persons with physical disabilities at Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Toraja have different personal potentials, namely intellectual potential, creativity, and technological talent. However, due to views and stigmatization of their limitations, people with physical disabilities are often underestimated, perceived as unable to carry out activities like normal people, thus losing self-confidence, motivation, and feeling powerless to develop their potential because they feel different and underappreciated in society. This research aims to integrate the Imago Dei theological approach in efforts to empower the personal potential of people with physical disabilities at Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Toraja. The concept of Imago Dei, which emphasizes that every human being is created in the image and likeness of God, is used as a theological foundation to build an understanding of the intrinsic value and potential of each individual, including those with physical disabilities. In this study, the author uses qualitative research methods. The data collection techniques used are through interviews, observation, and documentation. In addition, another technique used in data collection is by using supporting theory through literature study. The results show that the empowerment process carried out by Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Toraja for people with physical disabilities has a strong alignment with Edi Suharto's empowerment theory and the theological concept of Imago Dei. The process is carried out, first by listening to and understanding the needs of people with disabilities, second by providing facilities needed by people with disabilities such as assistive devices and skills tools to facilitate the empowerment process, third by providing education and training, fourth by providing psychological support, fifth by building positive interactions with the community, and finally by regularly monitoring and evaluating the programs implemented. The integration of the Imago Dei theological approach in the empowerment process carried out by Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Toraja results in an active increase in persons with disabilities developing their personal potential. Keywords: Physical Disability, Imago Dei, Empowerment, Self-Potential, Community-Based Rehabilitation Toraja.

Item Type: Thesis (Scholar)
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BV Practical Theology
Depositing User: am andarias manting
Date Deposited: 03 Sep 2024 11:04
Last Modified: 03 Sep 2024 18:40

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