Missio Ecclesia: Kajian Multiplikasi Jiwa Pada Metode Penginjilan ”Evangelism Explosion For Generation” Persekutuan Pemuda Gereja Toraja Klasis Rembon

Masuang, Perdi (2023) Missio Ecclesia: Kajian Multiplikasi Jiwa Pada Metode Penginjilan ”Evangelism Explosion For Generation” Persekutuan Pemuda Gereja Toraja Klasis Rembon. Masters thesis, Institut Agama Kristen Negeri (IAKN) Toraja.

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ABSTRAK Perdi Masuang, NIRM 21010014. Menyusun tesis dengan judul: Missio Ecclesia Kajian Multiplikasi Metode Penginjilan “Evangelism Explosion For Generation” Persekutuan Pemuda Gereja Toraja Klasis Rembon. Dibimbing oleh Dr. Rannu Sanderan (Pembimbing I) dan Dr. I Made Suardana (Pembimbing II). Karya ilmiah ini diajukan kepada Institut Agama Kristen Negeri (IAKN) Toraja. Pekabaran Injil tidak hanya dilakukan Yesus dan murid-murid-Nya saja, melainkan setiap orang yang telah menjadi pengikut Yesus termasuk pemuda perlu untuk terlibat dalam pekabaran Injil. Akan tetapi berdasarkan observasi awal penulis di PPGT Klasis Rembon tidak banyak pemuda yang mau secara serius terlibat dalam pelayanan pekabaran Injil melalui metode Evangelism Explosion For Generation. Hal inilah yang melatarbelakangi penulis melakukan penelitian ini. Dari hasil penelitian penulis: Multiplikasi Metode Penginjilan “Evangelism Explosion For Generation” Persekutuan Pemuda Gereja Toraja Klasis Rembon dipengaruhi beberapa faktor seperti adanya rasa takut untuk membagikan Injil, belum menguasai materi dan kurangnya kesadaran peserta untuk terus berlatih dalam bersaksi. Oleh Karena itu, diperlukan kesediaan peserta untuk semakin berlatih agar bisa menguasai materi Evangelism Explosion For Generation sehingga dapat bersaksi secara efektif. Kata kunci: Multiplikasi, Penginjilan, “Evangelism Explosion For Generation”, pemuda, Gereja Toraja ABSTRACT Perdi Masuang, NIRM 21010014. Compiled a thesis with the title: Missio Ecclesia Multiplication Study of Evangelism Methods: "Evangelism Explosion for Generation" in Persekutuan Pemuda Gereja Toraja at Klasis Rembon . Supervised by Dr. Rannu Sanderan as Supervisor I and Dr. I Made Suardana as Supervisor II. This academic writing was submitted to the IAKN Toraja (Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Toraja). The preaching of the gospel was not only carried out by Jesus and His disciples, but everyone who had become a follower of Jesus, including young people, needed to be involved in the preaching of the gospel. However, based on the author's initial observations at PPGT Klasis Rembon, not many young people want to be seriously involved in serving the gospel message through the Evangelism Explosion for Generation method. This is the background for the author to conduct this research. The results of the author's research: Multiplication of Evangelism Methods: "Evangelism Explosion for Generation" in Persekutuan Pemuda Gereja Toraja at Klasis Rembon is influenced by several factors, such as fear of sharing the gospel, not yet mastering the material, and a lack of awareness among participants to continue practicing witnessing. Therefore, participants need to be willing to practice more so they can master the Evangelism Explosion for Generation material and testify effectively. Keywords: Multiplication, Evangelism, "Evangelism Explosion For Generation", Youth, Gereja Toraja

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BR Christianity
Depositing User: am andarias manting
Date Deposited: 02 Aug 2024 10:15
Last Modified: 02 Aug 2024 10:15
URI: http://digilib-iakntoraja.ac.id/id/eprint/1922

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